Tips to Become a Successful Blogger to get Better SEO Results
The new age SEO techniques have made blogging the most viable practice for online promotion. But blogging is anyone’s cup of tea these days. It takes less than an hour to set up a blog and start feeding it content. This reminds us of an old saying that says the easy routes never take one to success, which means when blogging, the blogger should never prioritize quantity, he should prioritize quality instead.
More so, selecting quality over quantity was optional few years ago, but not anymore because the recent updates by Google have made it compulsory for a site to maintain the quality of its content. The updates compel a site to improve its content quality so it ranks better on the search engine result pages. Unless a site has top quality content, it cannot expect a handsome amount of traffic.
Whether you are a wannabe blogger or a seasoned one, the tips that we are going to discuss in this article, are important for you to conceptualize. The first important blogging idea is
Offering takeaways
Think from a reader’s point of view. Why would he come to your site if there’s nothing worthwhile for him. You need to offer him some takeaways so coming to your site and spending time on it become memorable for the readers. What type of takeaway you are going to offer users is totally up to you, just make sure it draws their interest. You can even partner with other sites, which offer takeaways to readers, so your site traffic steadily increases.
Blogging tours
This is a relatively new concept in blogging. Many are familiar with book blog tour, which is a marketing strategy enabling the author of a book to promote his book without having to physically travel. The author roams across blogs to popularize his book. This model is highly useful for readers because they become familiar with new authors and their works. The blog owner only needs to invite an author to his blog and announce it, so users come to know about it. For a better publicity of the author and his blog, he can take an interview of the author and publicizes it.
Questions and answers
The success in blogging and resulting SEO success largely depend on how best the blogger can entice the readers. One surefire way to attract readers is anticipating the probable questions that they might ask and then providing the answers. This time again, the blogger needs to think from the point of view of a reader. He needs to speculate what sorts of questions an average reader might ask. Next, he needs to do a sumptuous research to find the answer to the speculated question. This strategy not only helps him carve out a reader base but also earns him respect among the readers.
Interaction and engagement
Interaction is helpful for a blog. The fact that readers are interacting with the author of the blog implies they are visiting the site on a regular basis and reading the posts with minute attention. In today’s digital era, the interaction model has drastically changed. When a reader likes a post, he expresses his opinion on it in the trailing comments. The blogger shouldn’t ignore this and reply to each and every comment. This is how he could appear responsive to the readers and assure engagement. Steady interaction between the blogger and the readers guarantee engagement, which helps a site build a solid base among the readers.
Define blogging success
Nine out of ten bloggers won’t understand its importance, but defining success is essential for bloggers. What does the phrase “success in blogging” mean? Getting visitors and earning money from ads don’t qualify as blogging success. The term has a much graver implication, which bloggers need to understand. You are a successful blogger when you satisfy all the conditions mentioned above. In other words, a blogger is successful when he becomes a brand. After you get success as a blogger, readers won’t come to your site through search engines or through referral links, they’ll have it bookmarked and visit directly.
Blogging is now inherently linked to SEO. A high-traffic blog can not only generate satisfactory results in terms of SEO but it can also help the blogger becoming a brand. So shrug off the misconception that blogging is a waste of time. Use it for better SEO.
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Adam Frankel
Adam Frankel is President and CEO of Frankel Interactive, a leading South Florida digital agency specializing in custom websites development, ecommerce development and digital marketing. For over 15 years he's been working with businesses and government agencies to bring their organizations online in order to build brand awareness, communicate with stakeholders, generate leads and drive sales. His belief is that all businesses need to keep up with technological trends including the continual transition from desktop to mobile, search engine algorithms changes, and social media engagement. His goal is to help them implement strategies to successfully compete in an ever crowding digital marketplace. When he isn't touting the benefits of web-based marketing, he enjoys fishing and spending time on the waters surrounding Miami with family and friends.