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Brands Should Follow these 9 Tips to Harness Facebook Live

Earlier this year, Facebook introduced a new feature called Live. It allows Facebook users to connect to their followers in real-time via video. Click here to know more about this feature.

Live is a powerful marketing tool. Candace Payne’s Chewbacca Mask video, created on May 20th, has garnered 160 million+ views, nearly 3 million reactions and 3.3 million shares. The user currently has 83K Facebook followers. If she can trigger such enormous engagement, imagine what top and mid-level brands can accomplish with Live.

5 Simple Yet Effective Tips to Use Twitter for Customer Service Purpose

Twitter has a 200 million active monthly user-base; it has great potential for brands to bring promotional activities closer to the customer service experience.

Nonetheless, it hasn’t taken off as one might expect, however we do see epic brand fails on Twitter.

How Brands can Leverage Snapchat for Promotion

Mobile apps function provide leverage for brands that are eager to find new ways to promote themselves. In the world of mobile apps, traffic distribution is unbalanced.

Rand Fishkin informed us from his Whiteboard Friday that the top 25 to 50 apps get almost 80% of the mobile traffic and the rest 20% traffic is distributed among other apps. Brands are out of options when it comes to choosing an app for promotion.

Facebook Chatbots: Some Thoughts on Mobile Users and Brand Benefit

Facebook hosted its 2016 annual conference for developers recently. Among the new features that were showcased, one was Chatbots, available via Facebook’s Messenger Platform.

Dubbed as one of Facebook’s early initiatives to blend social media and artificial intelligence, Chatbots can change the way we interact with apps. 

Platform Dependent and Independent Social Media Mistakes to Avoid

For all businesses that have a digital presence, social media marketing is a must. But mistakes lower the chances of being successful with it.

No matter how powerful your marketing techniques are and what online tools you are using, nothing can bring you desired results unless you stop committing mistakes.

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